Our Team

Rev. Bill Clayton
Senior Pastor
Our Pastor, Brother Bill Clayton, became our Senior Pastor in fall of 2024.  We are so glad to have you and your family!
Pastor Bio: Greetings from Rev. Bill Clayton. It is such a pleasure to serve the Lord
as the Pastor of Crosspointe Church. My pastoral ministry began when I was 20 yrs
old and I alongside of my wife Cathy have been serving for about 43 years. My wife
Cathy and I have been married since December 22nd , 1979. We have 2 children, and
a daughter we’ve adopted as our own and 3 grandchildren. We have been so
blessed to have had the opportunity to serve in so many ways, and in so many
different capacities. Thank you for your prayers and our continued service of the
Lord together. God bless you all!
Bro. Bill
Prince Byrd
Worship Leader
Erin Byrd
Prince Byrd spends his weekdays teaching Chorus in the Clay County School system and teaching piano lessons, but he also loves leading our congregation in praise and worship. He and his wife, Erin, strive to lead others to Christ through their worship. Want to join our praise team or worship band, or sing a special song? Email him and let him know!
Erin Byrd facilitates the overhead slides in the service, helps with our website and runs our social media pages and live-streaming. If you need anything posted on our website or sent out via social media, please reach out to her!
Erin and Prince have been married since 2017 and their twin boys were born in 2019.
Monica Foster
Office Administrator
Monica Foster became our office administrator in April 2019. You can find her in the office Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 9AM to 1PM.  She is a joy to work with and you will love her sweet spirit. Monica does many things at the church including preparing the bulletin, weekly church-wide emails, update calendar and financials. She provides support to all Church Staff, Church Ministries & to our CrossPointe Church Family. If you would like to add any updates there, please reach out to her!