Sunday Morning Children’s Church

A Sunday Morning service held during adult services that is specifically directed toward students 1st-6th grade. Fun and engaging lessons including a time of musical worship and interactive Bible lessons focused on growing in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and living a life that draws others to Him!
Children’s Sunday School begins at 9 am
Children’s Sunday Morning Church begins at 10:15 am
For more information, you may contact our Children’s Church Director,
Beth Ansloan @ (904) 504-6276

Olympians: Word of Life

A midweek Bible Study service for students 1st-6th grade. We use Word of Life Olympians curriculum and Quiet Time personal devotionals to encourage students to study the Bible daily, memorize scripture and have a purposeful quiet time of prayer and alone time with God. Leaders work to teach students through interactive and engaging lessons that focus on having a growing and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
Olympians Word of Life Ministry begins Wednesday at 6:30 pm

Kingdom Kids Children’s Choir

The Children’s Choir reinforces Biblical teachings & Jesus as Savior and Lord through music, plays, performance; helping each child discover their talents & potential and build their confidence as they portray Biblical truths through music & drama, with an additional goal of teaching them to serve the Lord with time & talents; leading & encouraging them to sing solos in the church services and to move up into our youth program with confidence and a desire to continue serving the Lord & developing their talents musically.  

or more information, please contact our Choir Director, Lori Renaud @ 904.254.6699

The Kingdom Kids Choir meets to rehearse Sunday nights from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The Choir is for children ages 6-12