
CrossPointe Church Weekly E-News 16 Jan. 2025

Ladies Bible Study: The ladies Hearts to Hearts Bible Study winter session will begin Tuesday, January 7th, at 9:30am till noon in the CrossPointe Church Fellowship Hall. This study is open to all ladies. Please come join us in fellowship and meet new friends while we study God’s Word. Our study will be, “Believing Jesus”, by Lisa Harper, a study on the Book of Acts. It is an 8 week study. The study guide with streaming video can be purchased at Amazon. If you have any questions, please contact Joyce Holt at 904.534.3060/ Coffee & Refreshments will be provided. We hope to see you there!
Building Fund: Consider helping CrossPointe Pay down our building mortgage. As we all know we still have a mortgage left on our Sanctuary/Gym complex. We have begun to make quarterly payments directly off the loan principle. How can you help? As the Lord leads, consider providing a Building Love Offering. We thank you for your consideration. 
Military Ministry/First Responders: Have you ever served in the United States Military or are you a First Responder? If so, CrossPointe Church & the Military Ministry would like you to stop by the welcome desk or see Sherry or Duane Mallicoat. We would also life for you to fill out a military questionnaire. We support the U.S. Armed Forces and all First Responders & we thank you for your service!
Just a Reminder: All giving statements are by request only! If you have moved, please make sure to provide your correct mailing address. All giving statements that are not collected at church will be mailed out no later than January 31st.
Children’s Choir: 
The Kingdom Kids Choir will begin practicing once again this Sunday Evening at 6pm. If you have a child or a grandchild (1st-6th grade) who loves to sing, come join the Kids Choir and let them sing praises to our Lord. Any questions, please see Lori Renaud at 904.254.6699 

With the New Year comes New ideas and ways to help out those in need. CrossPointe has openly supported Operation Christmas Child over the years and we have decided to do monthly  collections on items that can be provided to children in need during the holidays. Each month a collection of items will be requested to help in our support to the children. For January we are asking for items such as pencils, pens, erasers, pencil bags, markers, colored pencils, lined filler paper, 1 subject spiral notebooks, glue/paste, calculators (all ages) , protractors, rulers, ABC notebooks for grade K. Drop off supplies in the rear of the sanctuary by the tables, on the floor. Any questions, see Annette Kuhrt.

Business Directory: Do you own a business? If so, CrossPointe Church will be gathering information and discussing the opportunity to provide a Church Business Directory to our members and our community. We would like to support local businesses, build growth, network & increase visibility by encouraging our members to actively support businesses within the church and within our community. There will be a Church Business Directory meeting, following the morning worship service on January 19th, so if you own a business, please make time to attend the meeting and provide feedback.

Help Needed:  Volunteers needed to ASSIST our Preschool Ministry, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry. Share your spiritual talent, get involved & make a difference. Please pray on what you can do to serve the Lord here at CrossPointe Church! God Bless You!
April Fish: Travel Expenses: For the month of January, we will be collecting funds to support April Fish’s travel to the Madak Village to spread her mission work.  Please help support April Fish. She has had several requests for her to travel to a neighboring village (Madak Village) to spread the word and work with the local families. She needs two things to expand her investment and mission work to a neighboring village: local husbands and wives and travel funds. She has found two local families who will travel with her but needs the funds for her and them to travel, stay for a few weeks, and travel back. Please consider supporting her mission of investing in the visiting Madak Village Ministry work. If you chose to donate by check or cash please annotate on the check Madak Ministry. We will collect donations all 4 Sundays in January and send her the check the first week in February.
Adopt A Missionary: Would you like to adopt a specific missionary???? We are working to obtain sponsors who would adopt a specific missionary. If interested please see Bill or Derek Page. Thank you!

Our Fascar Event will be held on Feb. 1st from 11-2pm in the Fellowship Hall. You certainly do not want to miss out of this fun filled event  with our Children’s Ministry and Matt Dooney with Word of Life. There will be food during our fellowship, a bible lesson and of course the great prizes for our racing participants and winners. All children up to 6th grade are welcome, we hope to see you there!

Food, Fellowship & Fun
Our seniors (55+) are meeting up once again! We are asking that you join us on Sunday, February 9th, after the morning worship service for our Senior Saints Luncheon. The church will provide the meat, so all we ask is that you bring a salad or a side. You may also add a dessert if you wish. Come join us! We hope to see you there!

Special Prayer: 

Hospice—Jerry Quigley  
Canterfield—Wayne Carter

Nursing Facilities:   

Life Care Kingsley— Gloria Howard, Frank & Ruby Burke

Please Pray For: 

Susan Breen, Gary Hill, Betty Cooke, Zenaida Neu, Jimmy Rhinehart, Donna Frisbee, Gracie Lynn Hickocks, Tracy Jones, Christina Losey, Betty Colgan, Doug Kuhrt, LouVon Castle, Gary Richardson, Connie Myers, Ron Lucas, Danny Foy, James Butler, Rhonda Weseman, Jonah Cook, David Ralston, Marvin Nixon, Larry Golden, Jim Barrow, Audrey Robbins, Terri Christian, Audra Pruit, Teresa Cumbie,  Betsy Valdez, Ron Lucas, Bryson Hubbard, Ronnie Hannah, Cathy Roberts, Ron Roberts, Roger Hawthorne, Doyle Tucker, Stacy Stetts, Chloe Walker, Our Nation, Our Military, Our First Responders & Our Missionaries




Sunday, January 19th—CrossPointe Business Directory meeting, After morning Service

Sunday, January 19th— Church Council Meeting @ 5pm

Sunday, January 26th—Church Quarterly Business Meeting, after morning worship service

This Weeks Schedule:
This Week:
9:00AM: Sunday School
10:15AM:Sunday Morning Worship & Children’s Church
6:00PM: Sunday Evening Worship Service & Kingdom Kids Choir 
9:30AM: Tuesday Ladies Bible Study
6:30PM: Wednesday Evening Worship Service, Youth Worship Service, Olympians & Gophers
Connect With Us: You can find us all over Social Media! Be sure to like, follow, and share to stay up to date with what’s happening at the Family Place!
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