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Senior Saints Luncheon
Our Senior Saints Luncheon will be held on Sunday, April 6th, after the morning worship service.
If you are 55+ please join us for great food, wonderful fellowship and some fun.
The church will provide the meat, all we ask is that you provide a side.
Sign up sheet is located in the foyer. See you there!
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, April 5th, we will have a men’s ministry prayer breakfast, located in the fellowship hall @ 8am.
This is a great time for the men of the church to come together to fellowship and share testimony.
We encourage you to join us and bring a friend.
Sign up sheet is located in the church foyer!
Spring Family Fun Day
CrossPointe invites you to our Spring Family Fun Day, April 12th, from 4pm-7pm.
We will have an Egg Hunt, Food & Games for kids of all ages.
There will be Bounce Houses, Face Painting, Free Easter Photos and Sweet Treats available.
We encourage you all to join us and spread the word.
This will be a wonderful evening for the entire family with food, fellowship & fun.

Upcoming Meetings:
- Once every quarter – Finance Committee Meeting
- Once a month – Church Council Meeting
- Every other month – Deacons Meeting