The family place.




We are:

  • a family of believers in Jesus Christ
  • seeking to connect to God, to others and to the world
  • all in different stages in our journey of faith, so come as you are

Our worship service:

  • is a blended style of worship focused on praising God, led by a full band, relevant for everyone
  • has a relaxed atmosphere, and casual attire
  • has preschool and childcare available for children birth through 6th grade

Our Schedule:

     9:00 am Bible Study for all ages, children and adults.
   10:15 am Praise and Worship Service in the worship center, Children’s church for nursery through 6th grade.
     6:00 pm Prayer and Worship Service in the Sanctuary and Children’s Choir Rehearsal.
   10:00 am Ladies Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
     6:30 pm Prayer and Worship Service in the Sanctuary, Youth Group, and Children’s Olympian’s Word of Life Groups.
Check out our Upcoming Events page for special events.


Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

II Corinthians 5:20


At CrossPointe Church we have different ministries to meet the needs of our church family. There are short-term ministry projects like Vacation Bible School/Day Camp or a community clean up day, and we also have on-going ministry groups like our weekly Sunday School and Bible study groups.
You are welcome to join at any time. There are groups for everyone-any age, any experience! All are welcome!
Check out our ministry groups and see what is happening here for you!


The Preschool Ministry exists for children from birth to Kindergarten to experience age appropriate Bible teaching from experienced teachers who love preschoolers. Leaders are here to help build spiritual foundations in your child’s life. We want parents to participate in Bible Studies and worship services with a peace of mind, knowing their children are cared for in a safe and secure setting.



The CrossPointe Children’s Ministry is built around relationships. Our trained leaders work to develop a relationship with each child that walks in our doors. We also encourage our children to develop friendships with each other through our teaching and fellowship times. The goal of our ministry is to help each child develop and grow into a saving knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.



The Youth Ministry is for grades 7th – 12th. Our focus is connecting students to one another and connecting them to God through Bible Study and Fellowship. We meet Sunday mornings at 9am,  and Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Youth Room. 




The men’s ministry is designed to develop a greater intimacy with God and build close relationships with one another. If you are a man who desires to grow in your walk with Christ, build strong relationships, and live out the gospel, we invite you to join us in our Men’s Sunday School Class & our Prayer Breakfast ever other month!




We have Sunday School for all ages. The adults have several options. We have a Young Adults Class, Men’s Class, Ladies Class and two additional Adult Classes. Adult Bible Studies are designed to build unity through fellowship and sharing as each class dives deeper in the Word of God. All Sunday School Classes begin every Sunday at 9:00 AM.  




The Praise Team is made up of singers, musicians, song-writers, and audio, lighting, and video technicians of all skill levels. We meet on Sunday mornings in the Worship Center at 8:00AM to practice for Sunday service. Even if you don’t feel comfortable being on stage, please join us for practice and fellowship on Sunday Mornings!


Connect with us! Scroll down to see what’s coming up!

Senior Saints Luncheon

Our Senior Saints Luncheon will be held on Sunday, April 6th, after the morning worship service.
If you are 55+ please join us for great food, wonderful fellowship and …


Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, April 5th, we will  have a men’s ministry prayer breakfast, located in the fellowship hall @ 8am.
This …


Spring Family Fun Day

CrossPointe invites you to our Spring Family Fun Day, April 12th, from 4pm-7pm.
We will have an Egg Hunt, Food & Games for kids of all ages.
There will be Bounce Houses, Face Painting, Free Easter Photos and S …


Upcoming Meetings:
  • Once every quarter – Finance Committee Meeting
  • Once a month – Church Council Meeting
  • Every other month – Deacons Meeting
To stay up to date with all upcoming events and meetings, please subscribe to our e-news weekly update, and follow us on Facebook.

CONTACT US             

CrossPointe Church 1871 CR 220, Fleming Island, FL 32003
Phone: 904-264-4370
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 
from 9 AM to 1 PM
Email: office@crosspointechurchfi.org

Pastor: Rev. Bill Clayton


Email Us!